David A. Smith, was affiliated with Charles W. Smith Associates from 1976 to 2003. After the retirement of Charles W. Smith in 2003 he formed Smith & Whitfield, Inc. and later David A. Smith & Associates. Prior to 1981 most of the time was spent in research and gathering the other background experience necessary to appraisers. Starting in 1981, he began co‑authoring residential appraisals with Mr. Charles W. Smith, MAI, SRPA and after 1982 began writing residential reports on his own. In 1988 he was awarded the RM designation. With the merger of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and the Society of Real Estate Appraisers in January of 1991, the RM designation will no longer be awarded and all RM's were given the option to convert their designation to SRA. Mr. Smith made that election.
Since 1985 he has been primarily authoring and co‑authoring non-single family reports. He has also trained and supervised several appraisers preparing all types of appraisal reports as well as authoring them himself. In 1991 he was awarded the MAI designation of the Appraisal Institute. He is also a State-Certified General Real Estate Appraiser for the State of North Carolina (No. A281).
Since 1985 he has been primarily authoring and co‑authoring non-single family reports. He has also trained and supervised several appraisers preparing all types of appraisal reports as well as authoring them himself. In 1991 he was awarded the MAI designation of the Appraisal Institute. He is also a State-Certified General Real Estate Appraiser for the State of North Carolina (No. A281).
Appraisal Institute Courses
Real Estate Appraisal Principles (Exam 1A‑1/8‑1), University of North Carolina, 1981
Residential Valuation (Exam 8‑2), University of North Carolina, 1981
Basic Valuation Procedures (Exam 1A‑2), University of North Carolina, 1983
Standards of Professional Practice (Exam SPP), University of North Carolina, 1983
Capitalization Theory & Techniques, A (Exam 1B‑A), University of Colorado, 1984
Capitalization Theory & Techniques, B (Exam 1B‑B), University of Colorado, 1984
Valuation Analysis and Report Writing (Exam 2‑2), University of North Carolina, 1987
Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation (Exam 2‑1), University of North Carolina, 1987
Advanced Sales Comparison & Cost Approaches, Atlanta, Georgia, 2002
General Appraiser Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use, Atlanta, Georgia, 2007
Online Business Practices and Ethics, Chicago, Illinois, 2007
Appraisal Curriculum Overview, 2009
Condemnation Appraising: Principles & Applications, Greensboro, NC, 2011
Appraisal Institute Courses
Highest and Best Use, 1988
Industrial Valuation, 1988
Rates, Ratios and Reasonableness, 1988
Valuation of Leased Fee Interests, 1989
Current Problems in Industrial Valuation, 1989
Methods of Subdivision Analysis, 1989
Expert Witness in Litigation, 1989
Discounted Cash Flow, 1990
RTC Appraisal Standards, 1990
Preparation and Use of the UCIAR Form, 1990
Standards of Professional Practice Update, 1990
Commercial Construction Overview, 1991
Appraising Troubled Properties, 1991
Appraisal Regulations of the Federal Banking Agency, 1992
Real Estate Law for Appraisals, 1992
Appraising Apartments, 1993
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, 1994
Appraiser's Legal Liabilities, 1994
Understanding Limited Appraisals, 1994
Analysis Operating Expenses, 1995
Future of Appraisals, 1996
Highest and Best Use Applications, 1996
Standards of Professional Practice, Parts A & B, 1997
Litigation Skills for the Appraiser, 1997
Eminent Domain & Condemnation Appraising, 1998
Matched Pairs/Highest & Best Use/Revisiting Report Options, 1998
Valuation of Detrimental Conditions, 1998
Appraisal of Nonconforming Uses, 2000
How GIS Can Help Appraisers Keep Pace with Changes in R E Industry, 2001
Feasibility Analysis, Market Value and Investment Timing, 2002
Analyzing Commercial Lease Clauses, 2002
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, 2002
Effective Appraisal Writing, 2003
Supporting Capitalization Rates, 2004
National USPAP Update, 2004
Rates and Ratios: Making Sense of GIMs, OARs, and DCFs, 2005
The Road Less Traveled: Special Purpose Properties, 2005
National USPAP Update, 2006
Appraisal Consulting: A Solutions Approach for Professionals, 2006
What Clients Would Like Their Appraisers to Know, 2007
Valuation of Detrimental Conditions, 2007
Business Practice and Ethics, 2007
Office Building Valuation: A Contemporary Perspective, 2008
Subdivision Valuation, 2008
National USPAP Update, 2009
Effective Appraisal Writing, 2009
Appraisal Curriculum Overview, 2009
Discounted Cash Flow Model: Concepts, Issues and Apps, 2010
National USPAP Update, 2010
Rates and Ratios: Making sense of GIMs, OARs and DCFs, 2011
National USPAP Update, 2012
Business Practices and Ethics, 2012
Marketability Studies: Advanced Considerations & Applications, 2013
Real Estate Valuation Conference, 2013
2014 Real Estate Valuation Conference, 2014
7-Hour National USPAP Update Course, 2014
2014 Real Estate Valuation Conference, 2014
Analyzing the Effects of Environmental, 2015
7-Hour National USPAP Update Course, 2016
Online Business Practices and Ethics, 2017
Commercial Real Estate Finance, 2017
Spring 2017 Real Estate Valuation, 2017
7-Hour National USPAP Update Course, 2018
The End of Experts: Mission Battleground and the Intelligent Layperson, 2018
Ignorance Isn’t Bliss: Understanding and Investigation by a State Appraiser
Regulatory Board or Agency, 2018
Advanced Land Valuation: Sound Solutions to Perplexing Problems, 2019
Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions, 2019
7-Hour National USPAP Update Course, 2020
2020 Real Estate Valuation Conference, 2020
Business Practices and Ethics, 2020
Advanced Land Valuation: Sound Solutions to Perplexing Problems, 2020
Solving Land Valuation Puzzles, 2021
7-Hour National USPAP Update Course, 2022
Inconsistency: It’s Hiding in Plain Sight in Your Commercial Appraisal, 2022